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GLA Units

This section also includes the new units from Zero Hour



Worker: this unit builds GLA structures and gathers supplies.


Rebel: this is the worst basic infantry in the game. However with the upgrades he can have, he might be a force to be reckoned with, provided the enemy doesn't have any anti-infantry measures.


RPG Trooper: this guy has a rocket-propelled Grenade launcher on him and he is the basic AA and Anti-tank unit for the GLA.


Terrorist: this moron will run right into enemy lines and explode. Oh, did I say "moron" I meant to say fanatic. Anyway, the toxin General Dr. Thrax has something very similar to this unit. Only he explodes in a cloud of toxins.


Angry mob: this "Unit" comes out of the barracks and is very dangerous! They can throw a fire-bomb onto structures, and when upgraded, they can use AK-47s.


Hijacker (one Generals point): this unit is a thief. He walks right into an enemy vehicle and takes it. He is camouflaged when not moving and he is useful at scouting.


Saboteur (Zero Hour Only): this unit is designed to disable enemy buildings. He is also stealthy and can move across the battlefield unseen.


Jermen Kell: this unit is the Hero for the GLA. He is a sniper meaning that he can't attack vehicles directly, but he can shoot the drives of enemy vehicles making them neutral and you can then "Borrow" them.



Radar Van: this unit is the thing the GLA need to build before they can have radar. (Kind of pathetic, no?)


Technical: this unit is a truck with a light machine gun mounted on the back. This unit can upgrade its weapon form parts of enemy kills.


Scorpion tank: this is the basic tank for the GLA. It can be upgraded with Scorpion rocket, Junk Repair and toxin shells.


Rocket Buggy: this is small, light and fast. This unit has a small load of rockets that it can use all at the same time. After attacking, this unit needs to reload; he does this automatically however the rate of reloading can be reduced with the Buggy ammo upgrade.


Bomb Truck: another moron... FANATIC. This truck is loaded with conventional explosives. It can be upgraded with bio-bombs and/or High-explosive bombs. It can also disguise itself as an enemy vehicle.


Toxin Tractor: this is a good unit; it can clear out enemy buildings, and contaminate the ground. This unit can be upgraded with Anthrax Beta for a more deadly toxin.


Quad Cannon: this unit is a tank-like platform and it is the AA and Anti-Infantry unit for the GLA. It can be upgraded with armour piercing bullets. And it can also upgrade its weapon from an enemy kill.


SUCD Launcher (one Generals point): this unit is the GLA answer to long-range artillery. This unit is from the Soviet era and is not very dangerous, unlike the Chinese Nuke cannon. The rockets can be shot down so, this unit is best in large groups to maximize the chance of hitting the target.


Marauder Tank (One Generals point): this unit is a slightly better tank; it can upgrade its weapon with parts from enemy kills. It has good armour, and can last against a Paladin tank, but not for long.


Combat Cycle (Zero Hour only): basically, a motorcycle with a weapon pod on it. This weapon pod can change depending on who is riding it, like the IFV in Red Alert 2.


Battle Bus (Zero Hour only): this unit can carry up to 8 passengers and is a good attack transport because all the men inside can fire out its many gun ports. When immobilized, this unit becomes like a bunker for any troops still inside.

**********************Toxin General Dr. Thrax


Toxin Rebel: this unit is the same as the Rebel except he has a backpack full of toxins and a toxin hose.


Toxin Terrorist: as I said before, this unit explodes in a cloud of toxic gas.

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