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C&C Vs. Starcraft: who would win?
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Alled Buildings
Allied Units
Soviet buildings
Soviet units
Yuri's buildings
Yuri units
Tiberium based lifeforms
GDI Buildings
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General's Zero Hour abilities.
The Generals
USA Buildings
USA units
China's buildings
China's Units
GLA Buildings
GLA Units

this is a page in where you can submit your onw opinions to me. no submision will be rejected as long as it is relitevely error free and it is not an attack aginst an existing point of view. you guys have chatrooms on many other sites for that. you are also free to tell me to change your point of view at any time. also, you can choose any terran type you want. i prefer "Ideal" terran. flat, two islands, ocean, brige over the ocean and with a lot of resources for each side.

Pro Command and Conquer:

C&C has superority over Starcraft because of the ammount of tactics there are. in Starcraft it's what i'd say as "one shot kills all" in C&C, you need to be smart. you can have a small-scale attack force, or an extreamly large battle-group of over 500 units. C&C also has domanince over the oceans with its many diffrent ships. moreover, from what i can see, each unit in> C&C shot-for-shot is more powerful then its Starcraft equivelent. C&C also has a superiour econemy, meaning that they can harvest money more quickly and produce there units that much faster. C&C is also superiour for having no Supply limet. (for all of you who don't know what that is, it means that you can only produce 200 units and no more. some units cost more then one supply point and you need to make other things before you can make units! it is a very stupid part of Starcraft and i for one am glad to be rid of it.) also, due to a recent count of all the sides, Generals and timeframes (IE:
Red Alert 1 and 2) and i have come up with a number for C&C's TOTAL sides. that number is 30! Starcraft only has 3 sides! so, Starcraft would lose due to pure numbers and vireity of these numbers. also, C&C can capture Starcraft's buildings and use them aginst Starcraft.

and that is how i think Command and Conquer is superiour to Starcraft.
c&c kick the llama's ass, graphics, gameplay and veriaty
Enearle  Enterprises

Pro Starcraft

at one zerg team, who knew what they were doing, would make massive amounts of hydralisks and hatcheries. the C&C team would be utterly out-produced and unprepared, and the massive carpet of carapace known as the swarms would completely overwhelm even the most stalwart defenses. i dount, in their heedless rush, they would even notice the pain of the bullets that killed them through their bloodlust and need to kill. stick that in your pipe and smoke it.... or not. hey, all i know is what was in the origonal C&C, and i may be hopelessly out of date.
senby tradgedy12

to contact me, my E-Mail address is Yellow13@canada.com

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