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this section is solely from Yuri's Revenge.



Initiate: this solder has no gun, instead he uses his mind to crate fire and he uses that to attack you. He has the highest damage for a basic infantry in the whole game.


Engineer: another Engineer... I'm not going to say what this unit does, you all know what he does by now.


Brute: anyone here watch the new Hulk movie? This guy is sort of like that. Big and muscular. This is the strongest infantry Yuri has, and he can smash tanks with minimal effort. He also can take a fare pummelling before he dies.


Virus: this unit is a Female sniper and her gun is loaded with a toxic dart. When she attacks, the dart kills the target, which swells up and explodes in a cloud of green gas
that is dangerous to any passer-byes.


Yuri Clone: this is the exact same thing as the Yuri unit you have in Red Alert 2 when you play as the soviets.


Yuri Prime: this is Yuri himself. He can mind-control almost anything and that includes Buildings. The best way to kill him is to either hit him with a robotic unit, or hit him with an air unit, or wait until he hovers over the water then use subs or hidden aquatic units. Yuri Prime also has more control over his Psi wave attack, it can damage enemy tanks and it doesn't harm friendliness.

**************************Ground vehicles


Lasher Tank: Yuri's basic tank, and one of the weakest. I’d say, just under the Allied Grizzly tank.


Gattling Tank: this is similar to the Gattling tank the China will use in C&C Generals (which I will explain later) but this is problem one of the best AA units around, it is fast, and has a good rate of fire. As it continues firing, the rate of fire speeds up to reach a truly amazing shell shower. But this unit is not meant for tank-to-tank battles because of its light armour.


Chaos Drone: get this unit near a large group of enemies, and they WILL kill each other, I guarantee it! The units inhale some of the gas that this unit realises and they go nuts.


Slave Miner: this unit is Yuri's way of collecting money; it houses slaves that collect money. A good way to freeze off the economy of a Yuri player is to post a few Snipers as well as a few anti-tank units close to a Slave miner and the snipes will kill the slaves as soon as they come out. Another good way to freeze of Yuri's economy is to destroy the miners. The Slaves will be freed and will help you, even though they are very weak


Magnetron: this unit is Yuri's artillery unit. It can lift up tanks and drop them onto other targets such as other tanks, buildings, infantry, into the water, or even onto trees and rocks, all these will kill the tank. Against buildings, this unit uses a powerful magnetic field that destroys the building.


MasterMind: this unit is well-armoured and slow, but don't underestimate it! it can mind-control up to 3 units safely, however you can mind-control more then 3 in fact there really is no limit to the number of units that you can control. but anymore then 3 and the mastermind will start to overload and soon afterwards it will explode, freeing the mind-control victims.


MCV: even Yuri has these...



Yuri's Floating Disc: this is Yuri's only air unit, but it is still quite good. Armed with a small laser and a matter transporter, this unit can shut down all a base’s power if it gets over a power-generating plant, or steal money from a refinery. This unit can also, like the Kerov, take a fair bit of punishment before it gets shot down.



Hover Transport: do I REALLY have to say what this is?


Boomer: this unit is Yuri's only offensive navel unit. It is equipped with 2 torpedo launchers and 2 ICBM missile launchers to destroy land targets. While not as powerful as the Soviet Dreadnaught, this is still a very deadly unit nonetheless.

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