Chemical Composition (solid)
Phosphor: 42.5%
Iron: 32.5%
Calcium: 15.25%
Copper: 5.75%
Silica: 2.5%
Unknown: 1.5%
Harmful Gases
Methane: 22%
Sulfur: 19%
Naphthalene: 12%
Argon: 10%
Isobutane: 6%
Xylene: 2%
Unknown: 29%
Tiberium Floater: this is one Tiberium life-form you DO NOT what to mess with! it floats releasing Tiberium gas as it hovers
looking for prey. When it spots prey, it goes in and electrocutes it to death. This works on anything the floater can get
near so watch out!
Tiberium Moss: this serves no purpose whatsoever except to slow down your vehicles, other that that, it’s harmless.
New Strain: found in only one mission, this doesn't seem to do anything YET, it may serve its purpose in the next installment
of the Tiberium series.
Tiberium Flora: this seems to get in the way. It can be destroyed, but not by normal means. You have to use a superweapon
to harm it.

Tiberium Fauna: this seems to be the cause of the Ion Storms that sometimes happen. They release a type of spore that
renders the apnosphere above them susceptible to ionization.
Tiberium Algae: this is why Tiberium sun doesn't have a navy. it is extremely difficult to plow through, strangely, the GDI
Amphibious transport is unaffected by this obstacle.

Tiberium Cruentus: this works to spread Blue tiberium like a Spore tree does.
Tiberium Spore Tree: this helps spread green Tiberium.
Tiberium Riparius: this is another term for green tiberium.
Tiberium Vinifera: this is another term for blue Tiberium. This is worth more then Green Tiberium. WARNING!!!!!! THIS IS HIGHLY
Tiberium Veins: these are lethal to vehicles, so keep tanks and the like away from them! Harvesters, Weed-Eaters, and a few
other vehicles can cross them though. These are used by Nod to make the Tiberium Missile.
Vein Hole: this is the nerve center of the Tiberium vines. It is killable so you can stop the spread of the vines; however,
I strongly suggest that you use aircraft to kill it. It releases Tiberium gas clouds when under attack so be careful!

Mutants: these people are the Unfortunate victims of Nod's Tiberium experiments. They are often called "Shiners"
because of the shiny Tiberium crystals that grow out of there skin. They are often very aggressive to both sides so watch
Tiberium Fiend: a highly agressive, horse-sized dog-like lifeform. this mutation has tiberium crystals growing out of it's
back and it shoots tiberium shards at a very high velocity capable of reducing most targets to a ruan in seconds. they can
also burrow into a patch of tiberium and remain hidden.
Baby and Adult Viseroid: these are formed through the result of "irregular Tiberium mutation" the Babies are harmless,
but I suggest that you kill them anyway. If not, for could have an adult viseroid very soon. The adults are highly aggressive
and they attack anything that moves. However, that can work to your advantage, 3 or more adult viseroid can dismantle an enemy
base very quickly. They are also very fast and can run over infantry.
Tiberium gas: I strongly advise getting as far away from this as possible. It is highly toxic and deadly. It can corrode structures,
vehicles and mutate infantry into viseroid. The most common source for this is Nod's Tiberium missile. Another common source
is the Vine Hole when it is under attack.
Ion Storms: granted I know this has nothing to do with Tiberium at a glance but this is still something I should mention.
Remember the Allied weather controller? Well, try to imagine something like that only 500 times bigger. It lasts a REALLY
long time, it makes all aircraft that are in-flight crash, it prevents any aircraft from taking off, all hover systems are
non-operational, and radar is also out. In short, very few things can work during an Ion Storm. Also the "Lightning"
bolts can be very dangerous, but for the most part, they miss your base completely.