Command Center: see USA buildings.
Nuclear Reactor: gives you 10 units of power and can be set to overload generating more power at the risk of the plant exploding.
Supply Center: see USA buildings.
Barracks: allows you to train Chinese Infantry
War Factory: allows you to build Chinese tanks and vehicles.
Air Feild: allows you to make MiGs and Helixes.
Propaganda Center: this is sort of like the Battle Lab in Yuri's Revenge/Red Alert 2 or the Tech Center in Tiberium sun/firestorm.
It houses valuable upgrades.
Internet Center (Zero Hour only): this building can house up to eight Hackers and it can reveal the map with its upgrades.
The hackers work better when placed in here.
Bunker: this structure can hold five infantry and can also be mined.
Gattling Cannon: this is the basic base defense for the Chinese. It can be upgraded with land mines as with all Chinese buildings
and Chain guns.
Speaker Tower: this heals friendly units nearby and it can be upgraded with Subliminal messaging to advance the healing powers
even further.
Nuclear Missile Silo: it launches a nuke, what more can I say? It also houses important Chinese upgrades.