"the entire world and all its history is mine, to Command... and Conquer" Yuri, Yuri's Revenge.
"I'VE GOT A PRESENT FOR YA!!!" Havoc, C&C Renagade.
"well, I'll be dipped in molasses! Yuri's held up in the Antartic! all right, this is it commander, the whole enchilada."
General Carvill, Yuri's Revenge.
"Warning, all systems functioning at normal parameters, warning, all systems functioning at normal parameters, parameters,
all systems warning at normal functioning." Nod PA, C&C Renagade.
"Intruder alert! Alert canceled. Intruder alert! Alert Canceled. Intruder alert! Intruder Canceled. All Intruders
please report to the detention Center!" Nod PA, C%C Renagade.
"HOLY COW! commander, we've got some kind of UFO on the scope. eather it's an alien invasion, or Yuri's been watching
to many movies." General Carvill, Yuri's Revenge
"i win, you loose, what more is there to say?" Ganeral Greanger, Generals Zero Hour.
"sonicboom, baby! let's do this thing!" Ganeral Greanger, Generals Zero Hour.
"I can wait for your next attack. General, can we expect it today?" Prince Kassad, Generals Zero Hour.
"you come for the toxins, but you stay... because your dead!" Dr. Thrax, Generals Zero Hour.
"AH! YOU'VE DESTROYED MY COMMAND CENTER! oh well... i always hated my commanders anyways. now its just you and me
General." Dr. Thrax, Generals Zero Hour.
"Comrade Leader, the Allied pilots have damaged one of our plants in San Francisco. The Psychic Dominator will not
function!" Initiate, Yuri's Revenge.
"What? yeah right boris is skilled... oh look at me, i can call in an airstrike ...please" Tanya, Yuri's Revenge.
"TIME FOR EXTINCTION!" Soviet Desolator, Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge.
"He who controls the past commands the future, He who commands the future, conquers the past" Kane, Command
and Conquer (the first one)
"If you kill one, it is a tragedy. If you kill a million, it's a statistic" Joseph Stalin, Red Alert 1
"All units, attack pattern Alpha! Just Kidding! who would call something Alpha?" General Alexis Alexander, Generals
Zero Hour
"Finally, Soviets have reached the moon, one baby step for Comrade General, one gieant leap for soviet people yes?"
Permeir Romanov, Yuri's Revenge.
"Melt! Everything must Melt!" Genearl Tao, Generals Zero Hour.
"It is so hard to find a doctor these days who will make house calls! Ah, but Dr. Thrax still does! Heh heh heh heh!"
Dr. Thrax
"Remember General, do not look directly at the blast!" Genearl Tao, Generals Zero Hour.
"And these are just my Battlemasters, General! Just wait until the Overlords join the battle!" General Kwi,
Generals Zero Hour
"This could be our most dangrious mission Comrade General, the entire world watches and waits. to come this fail
to fail now, it is unthinkable. you must not fail. it might help for you to know that on your return i hope to see you in
Moscow. Winter there is cold, yes? but this winter could diffrent." Lt. Zophia, Yuri's Revenge.