Red Guard: this is the basic infantry of the Chinese. In fact, you get two of them every time you buy one! They can swamp
an enemy base very quickly.
Tank Hunter: this is a guy with a rocket launcher. He can also plant TNT traps on enemy tank. He is also good for AA purposes.
Hacker: this unit is a very dangerous one. He can shut down enemy buildings with just a few keystrokes and he can even steal
money from the Internet.
Black Lotus: this unit is the hero of the Chinese forces. She can CAPTURE buildings with a few keystrokes, disable vehicles,
AND steal money from an enemy Supply Center!
Construction Dozer: see USA Units under vehicles.
Supply truck: this unit gathers supplies... what more is there to say?
Battlemaster tank: the basic tank for China. If you have it in groups of 5 or more, a Horde bones takes effect. This means
that any unit of that type has a better rate of fire and they can do more damage that way. You can tell a unit has the horde
effect by looking for a red Star beneath the unit.
Inferno Cannon: this unit fires Napalm shells onto enemy buildings. It can be upgraded with Black Napalm to do more damage.
Dragon Tank: this unit is a flamethrower! It can scorch enemy infantry and buildings very quickly. Keep it away from tanks.
This unit can also lay down a firestorm or a 180-degree wall of fire. Also, it can burn out garrisoned buildings.
Troop crawler: this unit is a transport. It comes with 8 Red Guard as well. It can also detect mines.
Gattling Tank: this unit is a very good AA unit. It can also be used for Anti-Infantry uses as well. It can also be upgraded
with Chain guns to have a better rate of fire.
ECM Tank (Zero Hour only): this unit shuts down enemy tanks and it deflects missiles. If your going up ageist garrisoned buildings
that have a lot of Anti-tank units in them, use this to clear the path for your Dragon tanks.
Listening Outpost (Zero Hour only): I have never found much use for this unit. It comes with two tank hunters and it can detect
stealth units but other than that...
Nuke Cannon (one General's point): this unit is the best artillery unit in the game! It can hurl nuclear shells a long way
and it does massive amounts of damage. It can also have Neutron shells to destroy infantry but leave tanks unharmed, but neutral;
so you can "Borrow" them. It can also clear out fully garrisoned buildings in one hit.
Overlord tank: this is THE best tank in the game! It has 2 main cannons, it can crush enemy tanks AND it can build a Gattling
Cannon, Battle Bunker, or a propaganda tower on top of it! The only downside is that this unit is slow, and expensive.
MiG: this unit's full name is the MiG-1.42 "Raptor (F-22) Killer". This unit carries two napalm missiles and it
can be upgraded with black napalm in flight to have another set of missiles after it's first two have been launched. It can
also be upgraded with MiG armour at the Air Field.
Helix Helicopter: also know as the Ka-27 Helix, this unit is a large helicopter and it can carry even a few tanks, it can
also be upgraded with a Gattling Cannon, Propaganda tower or a Battle Bunker.
*********General "Anvil" Shin Fai
Assault troop crawler: this unit has firing ports that allow unit to fire out of the unit and it can heal any infantry in
the vicinity.
Mini-Gunner: this replaces the Red Guard for Fai. He is good for AA uses and he does more damage to armored units.
Attack Outpost: this replaces the Listening outpost for Fai: this is armed with four tank Hunters as opposed to two.
********General Ta Hun Kwi
Emperor Overlord: if the overlord is the king of tanks, the emperor is the GOD of tanks. This unit can take even more damage
then before and it comes with a propaganda tower AND it can be UPGRADED with a Gattling Cannon!