Construction Yard: without at least one of these, you can't build a Soviet base. My advice to you is to have a service Depot
on stand-by so you can make a Soviet MCV, should the need arise.
Tesla Reactor: the basic power-generating plant for the soviets, it gives you 150 units of power.
Ore Refinery: comes with a free War Miner and is the drop-off point for all War Miners.
Barracks: allows you to train Soviet infantry.
War Factory: allows you to build Soviet vehicles.
Navel Yard: allows you to make Soviet Navel units.
Radar tower: exactly what its name suggests, it gives you Radar.
Service Depot: this allows your vehicles to be repaired, or remove terror drones from traitors that have infested your vehicles.
Battle lab: gives you the most powerful Soviet technology and units.
Nuclear Reactor: due to the increased power needs after the battle lab, the Nuclear Reactor generates the most power in the
game. By itself it gives you 2000 units of power and can single-handedly power multiple bases. But if the enemy destroys it,
I hope it’s far away from your base. When the reactor explodes, it goes into a meltdown. The damage is almost equal
to that of a nuclear missile, so watch out!
Cloning vats (Red alert 2 only): whenever you train one solder at the barracks, a clone of that solder comes out at the Cloning
vats. Very useful if you want to swamp the enemy with conscripts.
Industrial Plant (Yuri's Revenge only): this reduces the cost and build time of all vehicles by 25%
Walls: see allied structures.
Battle Bunker (Yuri's Revenge only): this structure can hold 5 conscripts that fire out, and since it is built by the Soviet
Union, they can repair it as well.
Sentry gun: the basic anti-infantry defense for the Soviets.
Tesla coil: this is the anti-tan base defense for the Soviet side. It shoots a bolt of electricity at the enemy and fries
them. The damage can be increased with Tesla troopers.
Flak Cannon: the anti-aircraft defense for the Soviets. It is not very accurate, but the rate of fire and the damage should
compensate for that.
Psychic sensor (red alert 2 only): this structure alerts you as to who is coming in to attack you. It shows that with dotted
lines coloured by the enemies team colour.
Iron Curtain: as Winston Churchill once said, "an Iron Curtin has descended across our continent" when he said that,
I doubt this is what he had in mind at the time. This is the ultimate brute-force weapon! When activated, it allows vehicles
total invincibility.
Nuclear Missile Silo: what do you think it does? It launches a Nuclear ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile). Huge damage,
large blast radius, residual radiation. All around deadly Superweapon.