Light Infantry: both sides have this unit. I guess they weren't very creative with the names at the time I suppose...
Disk Thrower: This unit has bionomically enhanced arms that allow him to throw disk-like grenades a long distance.

Engineer: this unit can capture enemy buildings or repair friendly buildings.
Medic: if your infantry are almost dead, send this unit over there to heal them. be forewarned, he can't heal himself for
some odd reason.
Jumpjet Infantry: a more realistic version of the allied Rocketeer form Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge. He still has a small
machine gun but he can't hover indefinitely.
Ghostalker: a Tiberium mutant, he has a small rail gun that can reduce most units to goo. Unlike most infantry he can heal
in a patch of Tiberium.
*************************ground vehicles
Harvester: the core of your economy. Without these, you can't get more money and your enemy can take you out easier.
Wolverine: this is GDI's light, anti-infantry vehicle. Equipped with two light Vulcan cannons, this unit is very good against
infantry and other light vehicles, but not very good against buildings or tanks. This unit is also quite fast, but its armor
is not very good

Titan: this is the basic "tank" for the GDI it has two legs
a tank-sized cannon and good armour. if used in large groups these are almost unstoppable.
Limpet Drone (firestorm only): this drone is a good way to scout the battlefield, just get it to a Tiberium patch and deploy
it. Once an enemy harvester comes by, the drone welds itself onto the vehicle and hangs on for the ride, and it scouts the
enemy base for you!
Amphibious APC: personally, I have never found much use for these things. They are the only unit that can travel across water.
They can transport up to a maximum of five infantry at a time.
Mobile War Factory: exactly what its name suggests. If your war factory and con yard are destroyed, but you have one of these
and a services depot laying around, deploy this vehicle and you are back in production!
Hover MLRS: this unit can hover over water, and launch missiles at aircraft. this unit is also useful for fast-attack purposes.
Mobile Sensor Array: this is the only unit that can detect Nod's clocked units. this is very useful on a few missions.
Disrupter: this unit fires a beam of sound at its target. BEWARE OF FREINDLY FIRE!!!!!
Juggernaut (firestorm only): this unit is the GDI's answer to Nod’s artillery unit. Long-range, heavy damage, poor
accuracy, and good amour.
Mammoth Mk. II: this unit is the best unit GDI has... to bad you can only make one... -_- it has two large rail guns on it
and can turn almost anything into slag in seconds. It is also equipped with anti-aircraft rockets. If the picture I have isn't
good enough, picture the four-legged walker from Star Wars. This unit is very slow, but that is because of the amour it has.
Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV): both sides have this unit as well. this unit is the core of your base. Without it you don't
have a construction yard and without that, you don't have a base.
Mobile EMP (firestorm only): this unit is sort of like the EMP cannon. it has a charge time after it fires, so keep it away
from enemies that survived the blast. be careful as friendly unit are also effected by this blast.
Orca helicopter: this is GDI's light air vehicle. It is fast, maneuverable and has a lot of missiles.
Orca Bomber: this unit is slow, but powerful. It carries enough ammo for two carpet bomb runs and is heavily armored.
Orca Carryall: this is only used for vehicles. It can carry a Mammoth MK. II across the battlefield very quickly.