Conscript: basic soviet infantry, can garrison neutral buildings, what more is there to say?
Engineer: exactly the same as the Allied Engineer.
Soviet attack dogs: these are the same as the Allied attack dogs except these are trained Siberian Huskies.
Tesla Trooper: this is Tesla technology taken to the final step, a man in a Tesla powered suit. this solider is excellent
at destroying tanks and can even power-up the Tesla coil defensive structure with his extra energy.
Crazy Ivan: a nut with high-explosive timed bombs... this unit is very good at destroying most buildings, tanks, and other
units. Also, when he dies, the bombs he is carrying go off. Avoid if at all possible.
Flak Trooper: used for anti-aircraft and anti-infantry, this solder is very useful at destroying Harriers or other light air
Yuri (Red Alert 2 only): This unit can mind-controls enemies and can deploy to releases a Psi wave attack that tears enemy
and friendly infantry apart. Use with caution!
Boris (Yuri's Revenge only): this unit is the Soviet hero, and as such only one of him can exist at one time. (Per team) he
is excellent at destroying tanks and killing infantry with his AK-47. He destroys buildings by pointing a laser-pointer at
the building and calls in an air-strike.
**********************ground vehicles
War miner: this has bigger cargo capacity and a small machine gun on it.
Heavy Rhino Tank: this unit is THE best basic tank in the whole game, it might not be very fast, but it has very good amour
and a very good cannon.
Flak Track: this unit can transport up to 5 infantry (or 2 Terror Drones and one infantry) at very high speeds. It is equipped
with a Flack Cannon to shoot down aircraft or kill infantry that threaten it.
Terror Drone: this unit looks kind of like a spider. It is fast, and can outdistance enemy fire long before they can target
the Drone. It jumps inside the enemy and tears it apart from the inside out. When it attacks infantry, it kills them instantly.
it is also very cheep and cannot be mind-controlled.
V3 Launcher: this unit is one of the two artillary units the Soviets have. the rocket this thing fires is bigger than the
vehicle itself! It has long range and devastating damage potential, destruction guaranteed! Just don't leave it undefended
as this unit is easily destroyed.
Apocalypse Assault Tank: THE ULTIMENTE BATTLE TANK! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Ahem) sorry about that...
this tank is equipped with two heavy cannons and anti-aircraft rockets. It has very heavy armour and is almost impossible
to destroy in large groups. With the right amount of these monsters, you own the battlefield!
MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle): this allows you to build the Soviet tech tree. What more is there to say?
Kerov Airship: this is the soviets only aircraft. it is big, slow, but very powerful. i have personally seen 3 of them demolish
a base. this can also take huge amounts of damage before it falls, although if it falls over a structure, i hope you have
another one!
Siege Chopper (Yuri';s Revenge only): this unit is a helicopter that when you want it to deploy, it breaks out a heavy 120mm
cannon. This unit, when not deployed, has a small machine gun that is mostly used to mow down infantry.
Soviet Amphibious Transport: same as the allied transport.
Typhoon Attack Submarine: this unit is a very effective unit. it hides under the water and launches torpedoes. Very good against
any ship but works better against Aircraft Carriers and Dreadnaughts. In short, if your enemy has a Soviet Navel yard, watch
out for these! on an intresting note, there ARE reaal life Typhoon Subs, but it seems Westwood either screwd up, didn't do
their research, OR they wanted to make the unit balenced. the real typhoons carried ant-ship missiles, torpeados, and most
intregingly, sevrel ICBMs (nuclear naturally)
Sea Scorpion: this won't win the war FOR you but you cannot win the war without it! Equipped with a light flack cannon it
is the only AA defense for the Soviets on the water.
Giant Squids: that right, mind-controlled Squids! And just when you think you've seen everything, the best counter measures
are the Allied attack dolphins! the squids grab onto any enemy ship and pull it down to the ocean floor.
Dreadnought: the pride and joy of the Soviet Union Navy! This unit carries 2 long-range missiles that real pack a punch! Just
3 can decimate a base before the enemy even knows what's happening! very effective.
**********************Country Specials
Russia's Tesla tank: the Tesla tank fires a Tesla bolt more powerful that the Tesla trooper but less powerful the Tesla coil.
Used properly, this unit can destroy a base with only a team of 9 or less.
Cuba's Terrorist: these morons (oh did I say morons, I meant to say Fanatics) carry several pounds of C4 strapped to there
chest. As soon as they reach there target, they explode. Useful for anti-tank or anti-infantry. But be warned! if you have
a group of them and one gets killed, all of them go up in smoke.
Libya's Demolition truck: another mor… Fanatic, but in a truck loaded with a small nuclear bomb. Very effective
against enemy buildings, and with the Iron curtain over it, it is the ultimate weapon of destruction!
Iraqi's Desolator: the Desolator is a solder equipped with a nuclear battle suit, he is very good at killing infantry and
destroying light vehicles. He can deploy to contaminate the ground with nuclear radiation.