GI: this is the first Infantry you can train. He garrison neutral buildings and fire out of them. He can also deploy into
a fortified position if there aren't any buildings around.
Engineer: unarmed but valuable. This guy is the only unit that can remove bombs planted by Crazy Ivan, repair neutral/garrisoned
buildings and the only unit that can capture enemy/tech buildings (airport, Hospital, Machine shop ECT)
Allied attack dog: the allied attack dog is the only unit that will regularly hunt down and eat spies if you are playing ageist
a traitor. He can also eat any enemy infantry that come near him. Very useful for scouting as well.
Guardian GI (Yuri's Revenge only): this unit is only available in Yuri's revenge and its mods. When deployed, he sports an
anti-tank rocket launcher and is uncrushable. He is also good for anti-aircraft purposes.
Navy SEAL: this unit is much like Tanya, as he has a machine gun that kills infantry one hit and has C4 charges. He is vulnerable
to vehicles however. This is one of the only infantry that can swim.
Rocketeer: this is the only aerial infantry unit. He wears a jetpack and can hover from the time he is created to the time
the battle ends, unless he gets shot down. He is equipped with a heavy machine gun and in groups, can decimate bases that
are without AA defenses. Very useful for scouting as well.
Spy: the allied spy should be worth more that $1000, he does more then he is worth! he can steal money from an enemy refinery,
reset superweapon charge times, shut down a bases entire power supply, make all your infantry veterans, make all your vehicles
veterans, give you new units AND he is also extremely good at scouting.
Chrono Legionnaire: one of the newest and most powerful infantry in the allied military. He never walks anywhere, instead
he teleports between spots. His weapon is very effective against anything. As soon as he fires, the target is frozen and then
erased from time itself! he is also good for scouting but remember that the longer the distance from his starting point, the
longer it will take him to warp back into our space, however, this can be bypassed with the Chronosphere.
Tanya: This woman is the Hero unit for the allies, meaning that you can only have one of her at a time and she is mission
critical in a few missions. She is equipped with C4 charges, and two colt .45 pistols. Her pistols take out infantry in one
shot, and her C4 is used for blowing up Bridges, buildings, and vehicles. She can also swim.
****************************ground vehicles
Grizzly tank: this is the first combat vehichile you can make, it has the ability to crush most infentry as do all armoured
units. something you should know about tanks is that there not very effective aginst infentry, in turn, infentry may not be
the most effective choice for destroying armoured units.
IFV: this is probably the most adaptable unit in all of C&C. you place infantry into the unit and the IFV changes its
main weapon, from rocket launcher, to machine gun, to a repair arm, to even a Chrono rifle.
Chrono Miner: this unit collects ore and gems for the allied forces. It has a Chronosphere on-board that will instantly teleport
it back to base when it's full.
Mirage Tank: this tank can disguise itself as a tree and remain concealed and fire a high powered heat blast. very effective
scout as this unit is very fast.
Battle Fortress: this unit is one of the best allied war machines in the whole game. It has the ability to insert up to 5
infantry into it, and then, those infantry can fire out inflicting huge amounts of damage in seconds.
Robot Tank (Yuri's Revenge only): small and annoying, this tank serves as a fast attack anti-armour weapon. The good side
to this unit is that it is cheep and it is immune to mind-control, making it the perfect unit to go head-to-head against a
MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle): without this, you have no base! This unit deploys into the construction yard and gives
you access to the allied tech tree.
Night Hawk Transport: this is used for transport. It invisible to radar but it is still vulnerable to enemy AA fire.
Harrier: possibly the weakest fighter in the game, this has one missile that is used for only air-to-ground attacks.
Allied Amphibious Transport: this is used to transport tanks and infantry across the ocean and even on land as this unit is
a hovercraft. Very useful for beach raiding.
Destroyer: this unit is the basic navel unit for the allies. It is equipped with a 120 mm bow cannon and a V-22 osprey bomber
for anti-submarine warfare.
Aegis Cruiser: the best AA ship in the game. It fires a quick volley of missiles and when elite, it shreds even Kerov airships
very quickly.
Allied Aircraft Carrier: this carries a wing of 3 F/A-18 "Hornet" fighters. Large and slow, this is the heavy bombardment
ship for the allies.
Dolphin: the allied attack dolphin serves one role, anti-sub warfare. It can be used for ship-to-ship attacks, but it is not
very good at it.
**************************Country Specials
USA Paradrop: this gives you 8 free GIs. They cannot attack while they are paradroping to the ground, but once on the ground,
they can become a small force.
Britain's Snipers: the sniper is used to kill infantry and nothing else. He can even take down Boris, Tanya, or even Yuri
Prime, if he remains undetected.
Germany's Tank Destroyer: the tank destroyer is the best unit to have in tank-to-tank battles. A small force of this and you
own the tank battlefield.
South Korea's Black Eagle fighters: the black eagle is fast, powerful and deadly. It has better amour, speed and power then
the allied Harrier. this fighter looks very similar to the X-29 aircraft that is currently under development, but i can't
be to sure.