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if you have any tactics to send me, don't be shy! my E-Mail address is clouseaufan@canada.com

Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge tactics

Death From Above!

play as the Koreans, then build 2-4 air force Command Headquarters. Once you have that, build as may Black Eagles as possible. Once there, build the Weather controller and use it on your opponent. He will put his force shield up, but you don't want to destroy his con yard with that. Once the shield is down, fly your black Eagles in and destroy the con yard, and power plants on a second trip. From there, you are weapons free.

Safe mutiple Mind-Control:
to do this one, play as Yuri and mind-control a Battle Fortress. place 5 Yuri Clones in it, and send it in! it is effectively a mastermind, without all that exploding. (which you must admit is a real pain in the ass)

play as any side on an eight player map and have at least one allied, soviet and one Yuri team on the map. Attack the base any way you want but DO NOT DESTROY THE CON YARDS!!! Have an engineer nearby the battlefield and when the time is right, capture the con yards. Once there, build all the superweapons. Use the Psychic Dominator on the remaining base(s) it has to be that one, otherwise they will just put there force shield up and the superweapon won't even hurt it. Once the Dominator has hit, immediately hit them with another superweapon. This should (if you're not playing a mod) destroy the con yard one-hit. Once the con yard is destroyed, use your last superweapon on the base. And voile! The enemy is toast! Guaranteed!

Grand Cannon push:
for this one, play as France. get a lot of money as soon as you can. build a few MCVs and send them to your bases choke-points (if applicible) deploy the MCVs and start building Grand Cannons. if you can, build a lot of power plants veery early on. keep building these closer to the enemy base, and soon, you have him beat.

Offshore Bombardment:
this one is one of my favorite tactics when playing as the soviets. Build three or more dreadnoughts. Get them to the elite rank and then, the enemy is toast! The missiles can, in flight even bring down aircraft! Just get the enemy's aircraft, AA defenses shoot down the missiles while an air unit is nearby the missiles flight path. The missiles will explode and the air unit will be caught in the explosion and killed! Yuri has an equivalent of this; simply replace the Dreadnoughts with his Boomer submarines.

for this one, play as the Allies (any country will do) infiltrate all three battle labs. You will then have the Chrono Commando, Psi Commando and Chrono Crazy Ivan. Train Tanya and use that to destroy the enemy bases. This is difficult, but not impossible. If you have to, use the weather controller to destroy all or most of the enemy's power plants. Crazy Ivan can blow up most of the buildings very quickly while the Psi Commando and Tanya kill or mind Control any enemy units that they produce. This type of attack is difficult to pull off and even just getting into the battle labs is hard, but if you want a victory that you REALLY have to earn, this is the tactic to use.

Tank Rush:
this tactic is for computer players, morons and I use it as a last-ditch attack plan. all you need to do is build 100 (more or less) and send them into the enemy base with no attack pattern at all.

Infantry Rush:
This is the same thing as a tank rush except this is using infantry. Infantry are cheap and easy to produce so you can make a strike fore quickly and easily. However infantry have many weaknesses. I'll leave you to find them out.

Engineer Rush:
this one is used mostly by the Soviets. get a Flack Track, load it up with 5 Engineers, put Iron Curtian on it for good mesure, then send it in. this tactic will NOT work effectivly if the enemy has walls around the thing you are trying to capture and it is quite possible that your forces will get destroyed before they can capture the building. use at own risk.

Simple, but effective:
Yuri has one of the most unsafe ways of gathering money. his slaves are one of the worst ways of gathering because they can be so easily killed off. Try this, use an IFV with a Sniper inside, get it near a Slave miner and watch as the Slave ranks are decimated and the enemy doesn't even know where its coming from! another tactic against Slave Minors is to use a team of 4 or more Desolators. tell three of them to deploy while one attacks the miner. the three deployed ones will keep most enemies out of range of the one attacking the miner and the one attacking the Miner will slowly damage it to the point of destruction. the cost for this tactic is not very much, and it is a very east attack to initiate. simple, but effective.

Generals Zero Hour Tactics

Money makers:
for this one, you need to play as the Chinese. as soon as possible train Black Lotus and use her to capture oil derricks. Then train as many Hackers as possible and put at least 8 of them into the Internet Center. Then make 4 supply Truck (if you haven't already done so.) I also recommend that you play as one of the Chinese Generals. this tactics is very useful in the Generals Challenge

AA for dummies!
for this one, play as General Towns or General Alexander. their basic defence turret is extreamly powerful. the EMP Patriot can stop practally anything that comes it's way by shutting it down. General Towns' turret can bring down almost anything with ease. the Chinese are also good at destroying aircraft considering that those bullets can't be
subjected to Countermeasures or those Point-Defence Lasers.
be forewarned however: General Greanger can penatrate Alexis Alexander's AA network as his aircraft are almost immune to missile fire. Point-Defence lasers and Countermeasures make it very difficult to hit these aircraft.

to contct me, here is my E-Mail address Yellow13@canada.com

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