here are the quotes from the General's challenge final General. General Leang. see if you can pinpoint the part where i started
to win.
"you are not ready to face me, com back when your training is complete!"
"leave this place, before you anger me!"
"The might of China falls upon you!"
"in the end, all fall before me."
"so, i see you have decided to stay and face me, General. you will regreat that descion, perpare for your end."
"that barrecks is only the biggining of what you will need to defeat me, General."
"You are wise to build a War Factory."
"i see you have coruppted one of our Black Lotus agents, General. her training will not help you in this battle."
"two warriors meet of the feild of battle, whos to say who will win? Me! thats who! me! you will fall, General."
"capture all the oil you wish. you will not have time to reap the benifits."
"you are forcing me to anwser with a nuclear silo of my own, General."
"your base grows large General, perfect for a nuclear strike."
"a fight that cannot be won is a fight not woth fighting for, General. so why are you still here?"
"my superiour tactics are leading you to your defeat, General."
"you have exusted your resources, General. it is time to abmit defeat."
"rage will only get you so far, now rage and a coloum of tanks will get you somewhere."
" you find yourself at the end of your rope, and now you discver that the end of that rope is on fire."
"The dance of battle is strange and beief and this battle with you has been... strangly breif."
"we are immune to your nuclear missiles, General"
"run away form here, General. before i unleash the hord on you!"
"what? that's a fools tactic, General!
"your forces may enter my base, General. but they will never leave again."
"what? my defenses are cracking?"
"my nuke silo has been destroyed, I'll have to rebuild it. you would be wise to take advantage of this, it won't
"ah! i see you haven't thought your strategy through... pity."
"that is a losing strategy, General."
you are foolish to build an airfeild, General. only tanks can save you from me!"
"you are not acting for the good of your people, General."
"An interisting attack General, but it will not succed aginst me."
"we will macth your planes in ther air General. your superority will be only in your mind."
"a Brave attack General, but bravery alone will not defeat me."
"A wise man knows when to retrat. obusely you are not such a man."
"I see you approching my base General."
"your men are outnumbered, General. do not try to make a greater hord then China!"
"that artillary platform can easily be avoided."
"you cannot stand aginst my might!"
"I can see waht you are doing General, and i will not allow it."
"the price of this war is too high, General. and now it is time for you to pay."
"China cannot be defeated by one man!"
"Dozers! rebuild the air feild before our MiGs retrun!"
"we shall mediate and consider our next move."
"do not commit to a tactic you cannot support!"
"Your advantage will not hold."
"you can clam my Command Center, but this battle is far from over, General."
"Suicide is not a tactic, General!"
"i must acknolege this defeat. you have shown superior tactics General."
"this battle with you has been an interisting contect. perhaps you will challenge me agin?"
and if you get defeated or quit, she says this, "Improve your skils and challenge me again."