I was flying into a new mission. The rocket launch was a success, and the landing operation was beginning. I had chosen to
use the MiG-29 “Fulcrum” as my fighter for this mission. I had flown them in the first Allied/Soviet war (which
I lost) and I had a good feel for the craft. Plus, all other ISAF pilots where jealous of me in that plane.
“Headquarters, this is Lieutenant Baelz, commander of Unit-B at Crowne Beach!
We do not have air superiority over the beach. This isn't as promised.” I must have been overhearing radio chatter from
the ground forces.
“This is HQ, friendly fighters in incoming, continue efforts to secure the beach.”
Roger, well do our best, but tell them I’ll be seeing them once we land! Over.”
“All aircraft, engage.” Said Skyeye.
“All aircraft stay low and follow me!” Mobius 1 acknowledged.
I went behind the main firing positions and destroyed some artillery at Halle Beach that was firing toward the landing forces,
then climbed up to 5000 meters and did a dive-bomb on the bunkers and SAM sites.
“Enemy bombardment has ceased! We can move now!”
I then proceeded to destroy the tanks and shore-defense cannons that where plaguing the ground forces.
“Halle beach here, position is secured! Get those troops landed!” the ground forces said.
“Air superiority achieved, units C and O forward!”
“Mobius 1, do you need some help?” I asked.
“Negative, I’m good, but I COULD use some air cover.”
“Roger that, I’m inbound, I’ll take down the aircraft, while you deal with the ground.”
I saw the Mil-24 Hind, a Russian made helicopter, though it had a strange marking on it. It looked like a yellow deer and
stripe on a red background. It also had the insignia of “UYR”. I had no idea as to what it was though. I fired
my missiles at the helicopter, they must have tried to fire missiles at me, but I outmaneuvered them and got them to destroy
other enemy aircraft.
“This is Crowne Beach. All enemy choppers have been shot down!” the ground forces said.
“Hey, you think they’re looking up at me?” a pilot whose callsign was “Chopper”
“This is Stalin 1, I don’t think they can distinguish between us, plus, I think there more interested with Mobius
“That’s all right, I’ll just continue the operation. Chopper out” he said.
“I’m beginning to get annoyed with that motermouth, aren’t you?” Mobius 1 asked.
“Da, but I suppose he does draw the enemy fire for us. He’s the only one they hear!”
“This is Ace, they’re swarming me! Get over here now!”
“Roger that, over and out.” I said.
So Mobius 1 and me went to help General Greanger, and it seems like the ground forces took care of the remaining enemy forces
because I heard “Enemy forces on the beach have been neutralized. Advance now!”
Skyeye kept saying things, but I learned to ignore him. Eventually we where over Caranda beach, and the fighting was still
tense here. We helped out Greanger with a few well-shot missiles to the bandit’s machine guns, causing the ammo to start
going off by itself.
“thanks! I thought I was done for back there.” Greanger said.
“I have an idea, lets get the support fleet to do some of the work for us!” I suggested.
“Good idea!” Both Mobius 1 and Greanger replied.
“Support fleet, this is Stalin 1, I’ll give you the coordinates to fire! Wipe out the costal defense forces for
“Wilco, Stalin 1. Coordinates received, countdown to firing, 5.., 4.., 3.., 2.., 1.., FIRING!
The shells where launched… and I had to evade some of them as they would have slammed right into me if I didn’t
get out of the way. However, the overall effect of the shells where what was expected of them.
“This is Caranda Beach. Position is secured. Get those troops landed!” the ground forces started cheering as the
three of us did a low altitude, high-speed flyby.
“Caranda Beach here. Enemy coastal positions and cannons now under control!”
Of course, it was a little premature as I heard Baelz call out “Baelz from Unit-B here! We've got enemy A-10s closing
in on Crowne Beach! We can’t hold them back with out forces!”
Finally AWACS Skyeye decided to make himself useful by saying “all aircraft to the central beach now! Shoot down all
incoming enemy aircraft!”
“We’ve got a visual on the A-10s already! Next time, tell us sooner!” Chopper, of course.
“They’re invulnerable form below!”
“Eight squad, retreat to the rear slope!”
“Enemy fire is too heavy. Forward movement is impossible!”
“That's one of ours. All right let them have it!”
“Sounds like the ground forces are in trouble! Let’s go help!” Chopper said
“For once, you have a point!” I said.
“Mobius 1 here, I shot one down!”
“Good kill! Wait, I got him in my sights! FOX TWO!” and I shot down one of them as well with a lucky shot to the
A-10’s engine.
“There’re only A-10s! This is like target practice!” General Greanger said.
He was right about that. A-10s are some of the worst planes when it comes to speed and air dominance.
“Missile locked! Firing! ALL RIGHT DIRECT HIT!” Chopper yelled.
“Just one more A-10 left!”
“Let’s gang up on him!” Mobius 1 suggested.
“Roger” almost everyone said at once.
“This is Red 2, they’re swarming in on me! I’m punching out!” the remaining A-10 said.
The A-10 went down without a pilot; it crashed into the water with a low “splosh” sound.
“Confirmed splash on all A-10s. Unit-B appears to have secured Crowne Beach.” Skyeye said.
“10-4 good job! The mission is a success! Oh, unit B commander, didn’t you have some message for the pilots?”
HQ asked
“This is Sergeant Collins. I've taken over command of Unit-B. Tell them thanks for the supporting fire.”
“Roger, This is headquarters. Mission complete.”
End of Chapter three
Operation: tango Line + Stonecrusher