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Operation: Whisky Corridor
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“Whiskey Corridor is a narrow strip of land between Lambert and Amber Mts. The enemy has deployed a large tank force at the end of the corridor as its final line of defense. Despite being outnumbered, our allies must face this enemy contingent head-on in order to advance on the Erusian capital of Farbanti. Our projected casualty rate is extremely high. We need a miracle in air support to win this battle. Annihilate enemy ground forces and provide direct close air support to our troops.” The briefing was a little more heated then usual, it must have been because ISAF was now doing daily bombing runs of Farbanti. Either that, or it was because the officer was from San Salvation. The new pilot we got was a real nugget. His name was Hans Grimm. His callsign: Archer. I swear, he must have been only 17 years old!

“don’t screw anything up, and don’t get in our way, kid.” I said to him.

“all right, I’ll try.”

“Attention all aircraft, this is Skyeye.
This is primarily a ground battle so our duty is provide close air support.
Destroy as many enemies as possible to assist our troops' forward movement.”

Once we where in Whisky Corridor, we split up. I took Old Anchor point city, Ace took a defensive position near the return line, Archer took the central defensive line, and Mobius 1 took the HQ. Almost immediately I heard “HEY! The Ribbon’s flying above the HQ!”

The battle was enormous! I was almost always evading missiles, and also searching for that THING of an aircraft. I didn’t see it though. What I did see was plenty of other aircraft and buildings to blow up. By this point, I was in the Su-37 Terminator, which was also the same plane Yellow Squadron flew. It was even complete with their markings. I hoped to confuse the enemies down below me. Turns out, it worked. My first few strikes where extremely deadly, but that could also come from the fact that I did extremely high-speed bombing runs. But I assumed that it was the markings. My flying in this colour scheme was also beneficial to my allies as the enemy drove all their AA units over to my position. Eventually, the others started coming to help me as now there was so much AA guns, I’d get shredded in less then 2 seconds if I went into their range.

“need some help there, Boris?” asked Greanger.

“oh, you’re finally here! What took you so long?” I demanded

“sorry about that. He was helping me.” Mobius 1 answered.

Eventually, we destroyed the AA units… and that’s when I saw it. The THING. Whatever it was, it was determined to be as much an annoyance to me as it could. But this time, I saw much more detail then before. It was longer then most aircraft, and had a beak-like structure on the nose. It was also bright red on the top and dark grey on the bottom. it had no conventional canopy, but it had a series of sliver dots all along a bulge where the pilot would sit. I also saw some kind of insignia. It had the letters “Z.O.E”

(Author’s note: can you take a guess as to what this plane is?)

what the hell is this thing? I thought.

Eventually, the mission was over, the ground troops broke through and where now only one step away from Farbanti. I was to find out what that plane was soon.

End of chapter 7

AN: I know this chapter is quite short. I’ll try to make a better version of this one soon.

Operation Autem Thunder

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