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Operation: Doodlebug

Author’s note: since the next few missions are so close together in the game, I’ll place the next three missions (Fortress, 8492, and Final Option) as one big chapter.

In hanger 4, Pops and that reporter Genette where looking at the wreckage of one of the many planes I downed in the last mission.
“Look at that wreckage.” Pops said to Genette. “I’m amazed there still making them like this.”
“They?” Genette asked, confused.
“This looks like a standard fighter jet, but it's actually different.
They've done a lot of things to reduce the number of parts and cut down manufacturing costs, without sacrificing the plane's strength and performance. Very cost-effective. You could make three planes for the price of two this way.” Pops replied.
“Who’s this ‘They’ you’re referring to?”
“North Osea Grunder Industries. Formerly the South Belka Munitions Factory, run by the Belkan government.”
“But Osea's taken over that land now. South Belkan technology is being used for Osea. Why does Yuktobania have this?”
“Good question. Actually, speaking of Belka... Osea recruited some Belkan flying aces after the war 15 years ago to strengthen our Air Force. You know about this?”
“No… Really?”
“An aggressor squadron comprised entirely of Belkan aces... Our old enemy. Well, that's the rumour, anyway. Even an old fox like me isn't sure they exist. I bet the current administration isn't even aware of the story.”

“Before the Osean ground forces can proceed into the Yuktobanian capital of Cinigrad, we'll have to deal with Cruik fortress directly in their path. The robust defence of this fortress has stalled the advance of our armies for the past five days. If this situation continues for much longer, it will give Yuktobania time to complete preparations for a counterattack. We need to take the fortress and enable our ground forces to reach the enemy capital as quickly as possible. To do this, we will launch an air attack on Cruik fortress. Our last attack sortie fell prey to their anti-aircraft guns and air-defence fighters. Deal a decisive blow to the fortress and its surrounding air power and support the ground forces as they penetrate the complex.”

The three of us launched. Strange, just three…
This time, we where in MiG-1.44s. Their bombs would come in handy for that mission.
“Lieutenant Colonel, the enemy sent this message to our armies.”
“This fortress will not be captured. Go back to your country.’ Hmm... All right, then. Let's finish this up quick so we can get home to our families. Allied forces in the air, listen to me. If the ground forces are wiped out, this operation will fail.
We need you to place top priority on eliminating the threat to our ground forces. We're counting on you.” The CO of this operation said.

“King Cobra to Able; today we’re gonna do it!” I heard as we approached the fortress.
“This is Able, don’t be stupid. Can’t you see that wall in fount of us?”
“We’re getting Air Support from Sand Island today!”
“Roger that! I’ll tell everyone now!”

We started to attack. I dropped a few bombs near the gate and continued to destroy the bunkers.
“Edge, Engaging!”
“Archer, Engaging!”
I waited for the third engagement call, but it didn’t come. The Tactical Channel was unusually free of radio chatter for this mission.
I shoved those thoughts aside and concentrated on destroying this fortress.
I dropped a pair of bombs onto tanks that where waiting on the inside of the fortress gate that where in position for an ambush.
“King Cobra to overhead aircraft, requesting permission to penetrate the fortress!”
I did a quick check of the area. It was about as safe as it could be for the ground forces.
“Permission Granted, King Cobra. Good luck.” I said.
“All right, roger that. Air support is with us! All Ferdelance units, forward!”
“HQ to 1st Platoon, move forward!”
“HQ, we've broken through the southern fortress wall!”
“Roger! Nice work!”
“First barrier cleared! Wow, in record time, too!”

“Defence network destroyed! Dammit, these guys are unstoppable!” One of the Yukes yelled out as I demolished the last of the bunkers.
I dropped a pair of bombs onto the ground in front of the ground forces, to detonate enemy mines, if any where in place, and active.
The effect of the mines where like 100 tiny flashbulbs going off in the space of half a second.
The ground forces advanced quickly after that, taking out a few of the enemy’s ground forces.
“These are the Aces of the Yuke Air Force!” Grimm yelled “I can’t shake them off!”
Now more aircraft where coming from over the hills. Su-27 “Flankers” and MiG-29 “Fulcrums”
“Blaze to Wardog squadron, let your guard down for a second, and you’ll get shot to pieces!”
Soon, enemy planes where everywhere! Above us, behind us, and closing in on all sides.
I kept evading the enemy’s missile fire, while at the same time, doing my best to destroy enemy ground forces.
“This is Ferdelance. We're at the fortress exit. Should we go outside? Please advice!”
I did a quick check of the surroundings. All bunkers destroyed, and the only aircraft where fighters. Not attackers.
I gave the ground forces the ok, and I then realised my mistake. A bunch of enemy tanks where right on the other side of the exit gate too!
“If they break through here, it's all over! Give it everything you've got!!”
“Blow those Osean bastards back into the sea!”
“Help us! It's the Razgriz!”
“We’re up against the Razgriz!? It’s hopeless!”
“Contact cut off! Situation unknown!”

I had to act fast. I slammed the throttles to full afterburners, and dropped all my remaining bombs onto the tanks. One of them actually went up 50 feet into the air before smashing down onto the ground.
The ground forces kept advancing, but there where a lot less of them now. I wondered if this would be enough to take Cinigrad.
“Bust through here like you're gonna run all the way to Cinigrad!”
Then the ground forces where through, and on there way to the Yuktobanian capital. Most of the fortress was now ruins and the aircraft retreated as there only runway was now captured.
“We made it! Northern fortress wall taken down! We skewered them!”
“Excellent! Hey, send a message back to the enemy: ‘this fortress has been successfully captured. We're going back to our country real soon.’” Nelson said.
I heard a cheer of “Osea! Osea! Osea!” as the three of us made our way back to Sand Island.

A few hours later, the three of us where flying over a mountain range.
“Wardog Squadron, this is Thunderhead. Fly to the tanker aircraft for refuelling. There is an allied squadron to the east of your position. They'll guide you to the tanker for air refuelling. Good work, people. We're one step away from the enemy's capital. We can win this as long as you're with us! I can feel it!”
“Those enemy pilots we fought today...I can't imagine how wonderful it would be to fly with them in peacetime.” Nagase said.
“Yeah…” Grimm and I said together.
“Wardog, this is the 8492nd Squadron. Can you see us? It'll be an honour for us to escort you heroes. Let's go home.”
“Yeah. But I'm still wondering what Captain Chopper was doing then...”

As the three of us got closer to the 8492nd squadron, they suddenly disappeared, my MiG’s warning lights started going off, and my radar was getting jammed.
“Shit! What the fuck!?” I said as I started to shake off the incoming missile. The first one was easy enough to dodge, but the second one managed to nail me right in the left air intake. I quickly moved to shut that engine down before the damaged impeller blades tore apart the aircraft.
“Enemy ECM!...Wait a second. That escort plane...oh, no!”
“The 8492nd Squadron doesn't exist!” Nagase yelled, remembering that capital interrogation committee. I kicked myself mentally for being so stupid, and for leading the three of us straight into an ambush.
“Multiple unmarked fighters inbound! ...Hey! Is that their voice on the radio?”
Sure enough, I heard: “You must destroy them! We can't let them end this war!”
“Roger! We’ll surround them and attack from all directions!”
“The 8492nd Squadron aren't Yuktobanian spies?!” Nagase yelled.
“8492, 8492, 8492...I, I know I've heard that somewhere before...That's right, When we were helping the President's emergency landing, it was the 8492nd who took our place!” Grimm yelled. “They got the President to! So that’s what escalated the war?”
“Yeah!” Nagase and I said together.
“We've gotta tell people about this! But how? We're completely surrounded!”
“So we’ll break through!”
“Captain, let’s penetrate this BARCAP and escape to the East!”

I pushed the throttle to full afterburner, but my speed was limited by the destroyed engine.
“Grimm, Nagase!” I yelled. “Cover me!”
The two of them broke off and started to engage the unknowns. I got a good look at them. SU-47 “Berkuts” and YF-23 “Black Widows”. Stealthy, highly manoeuvrable, and deadly.
A few of them tried to go in front of me, but I was using the mountains to my advantage. By dropping below 100 feet, I was terrain masking myself, hiding my aircraft in all the ground clutter.
I raced to the East and eventually punched my way out of the enemy’s BARCAP. As I did that, the enemies stopped attacking, and bugged out.
“Let’s hurry back home!” Grimm said.

Back at Sand Island, Genette was back in his quarters with Pops. He just got off the phone with one of his friends that was in Oured.
“Would it surprise you if I said that President Harling is nowhere to be found within the capital?” he asked Pops.
“Not really. The hard-line war Osea's waging right now hardly resembles the peace policy the President was promoting. Let me guess he disappeared just before we invaded Yuktobania, right?” Pops responded.
“Exactly. My journalist friends told me that nobody's seen him enter or leave the office since. All of his decisions are communicated through the Vice President. And it gets better, a lot of the military officers that resigned over disagreement with the President's arms-reduction plan have started to return to the capital.”
“I found out something myself. That Belkan aggressor force I was telling you about... apparently they're called the 8492nd Squadron. Also, and here's the kicker, Captain Hamilton, the Adjutant Base Commander here, used to be assigned to the 8492nd.”
Just then, the roar of jets could be heard. There was no doubt in there minds as to whom it was. The Sand Island Squadron, as it was being called now, was the only squadron that was being deployed from this island.
“Oh, they’re back.” Pops said.

On the runway after landing, the three of us where talking about who we would tell about the attack first.
“There's no point in taking to that blockhead Commander. He treated our President like an idiot just because he wanted peace.” Nagase said.
“What about his Adjutant, Captain Hamilton?” Grimm asked.
“Roger that. Blaze and I will go see him, Grimm, you go let Genette and Pops know.”
“Right. Be careful.”

In Genette’s quarters, the dish that Pops used to feed Kirk, his dog, clattered to the floor as Grimm explained.
“What? Nagase and the Captain went to see Hamilton?” Genette asked.
“what is it? Did I do something wrong?” Grimm stammered.
“Let's hurry!” Pops said.
“you got it!”
“We don't have time to warn the Captain and Nagase. We'll have to talk to the Base Commander ourselves.”

The two of them made there way to Cornel Perrault’s office and stepped in without knocking.
“Thank you for coming, Second Lieutenant. I was just thinking about calling you over.” The base Commander said, formally.
“Me?” Pops asked.
“Special Forces Second Lieutenant Peter N. Beagle, Or, I guess you prefer "Pops."
15 years ago, you and Bartlett were shot down over enemy terrain. Bartlett's squadron HQ was destroyed and all of its data was fried by Belka's magnetic-pulse weaponry. When you made it back to the allied front lines, it was Bartlett's word that convinced them that you were his squadron leader.” He pulled out a handgun, and everyone in the room flinched. “Is that really true? Bartlett turned out to be a spy. So, who are you really? Can't prove anything about your military record, can you?” he asked as Genette inched his way over to the lights. He killed them just as the Commander fired.
“This way!” Pops yelled.
The overweight commander fired again, this time, grazing the top of Grimm’s head.
The three of them tore out of the office, while Perrault kept firing until he ran out of ammo and breath.
“Arrest them on sight! They're spies. Shoot 'em if you have to!” he yelled as he regained his breath.
“Hamilton's got the Base Commander deceived, too.” Genette said as Nagase, Grimm, Pops, Genette and I meet behind the armoury. The base was now crawling with base defence personnel.
I punched that guy's fights out. That bastard was wearing a Major's insignia on his shoulder.” Nagase said, as she searched a guard that had come too close for comfort.
“I don't know who it is, but someone's trying to widen the rift between the two countries and keep this war going. If Osea continues to win, then the war will be over.”
“And they’re after us to prevent that?” Nagase asked. “You’re kidding!”
“You people are the pillar of morale for the entire Osean Army now.”
“And now you know something you were better off not knowing... the President's disappearance.” Pops said as he petted Kirk.
“Listen, Pops, who exactly are you?”
Pops looked away, as if to say something that would embarrass him, then Grimm came back, Panting.
“It's no good. They seized our planes in the hangers.”
“Hanger C in the rear probably isn't so heavily guarded.” Pops said.
“Yeah, but...over there, there's nothing but...”
“We'll escape with my training jets. Good thing I maintain all my planes well, eh?
Let's try it. Genette, you take the seat behind me.”

We took over the four tiny BAE Hawks, and took off. It wasn’t easy, and the Guards weren’t too happy with that, but we managed to take off.

“So where do we go now?” Grimm asked as we left Sand Island.
“We no longer have a home to return to.” Pops said.
“Attention, all Air Force planes! Enemy spy elements have made off with four training jets and are heading north. Find them and shoot them down. Repeat all Air Force planes...”
“That's Hamilton's voice. The bastard!”
“Guess I'll try my hand at combat manoeuvring, then. Excuse me while I take the lead. Follow me, people.” Pops said as he cut ahead of me.

Eventually, we where over the Ceres Ocean, although, our fuel tanks where getting a little dry.
“This is the 8492nd Squadron. We have a visual on the enemy. Engaging.”

“It’s them!” Grimm yelled.
“This is Thunderhead. Roger, 8492nd. Are those guys really traitors?”
“Yeah…” the leader responded.
“I can't believe it.”
“You can believe what you want, but it's the truth. 8492nd Squadron, you have permission to shoot down those planes.” Hamilton said.
“8492nd, roger.”

“I'll get you guys out of here. You all stay with me, now.” Pops said. I agreed, seeing few alternatives.
Then, Pops started to head for the deck, while at the same time, doing extremely erratic manoeuvres. They looked familiar, but I couldn’t place them.
“That flying style...that isn't the Colonel, is it?”
“Colonel? You mean THE Colonel? The legendary pilot they used to call Huckebein the Raven during the last war?”
“Yeah… the most infamous traitor our countries ever produced…”
“Is that you, Jason? I kept hearing this name, “8492,” and was wondering what the heck it was. Since you started calling yourselves the Grabacr Fighter Squadron in the last war, I got sick of flying in the same sky with ya. Sounds like you've strayed even further from your ideals since then.” Pops said.
And now I remember where I’ve seen those moves! I thought. One of Belka’s top aces in the war 15 years ago. He got shot down by a lone mercenary and was MIA ever since!

Our radar gave out as we neared a black island.
“hey, what’s going on?” I yelled. “my radar’s out!”
“That's a volcanic island. There's a strong magnetic field all around it. You better follow me closely.”

We passed through a ravine, revealing a scrap yard. I gave me the chills flying over it, thinking that if we didn’t get outta this place pronto, we’d be joining those scrapped planes.
We got about halfway around the Island when Pops asked me: “hey, you all still keeping up with me?”
I laughed and said: “Pops, you need to try harder, that, and look behind you!” as I passed him on a turn.
“I can't even blink! My eyes are drying up!” Grimm yelled
“You need to concentrate. Stay cool.” Then he added: “we’re diving into that cave now. You all ready for this?”
“watch me.” I said, as I dove into the cave, passing Pops again, and came out the other side.

“His flying is incredible!” Nagase exulted.
“Gah! Whoa! Aaahh!” Grimm yelled.

We where almost out of the Island, when Pops pulled into another, longer cave.
“How can you fly like that?! That's not human!” Grimm demanded.
“Hey, hey, easy. You're giving me way too much credit. Keep a wide field of vision. Right, that's it.” Then as we came out: “I knew you could do it. You've all become excellent pilots.”
I checked my radar, making sure that we had indeed lost our pursuers.
“This is Thunderhead. What happened to the 8492nd? We're seeing the traitors on the radar again.”
“This is Swordsman. I just found 'em. So now I just shoot 'em down?”
Dammit. We almost escaped, and now this.
“Exactly.” Hamilton said.

The F-14A slid closer, and then started flashing.
“It's a signal light. TRUST ME BAIL OUT He wants us to bail out?”
“What say we trust him, then? Genette, you first.” The Hawk on my left sent out two ejection seats, before the missile hit it and destroyed it.
“Swordsman to Thunderhead. Splash one.”
“Tracked on radar. Kill confirmed.”
Another plane exploded, and then a third. Finally, it was my turn. I bailed out just as the missile slammed into my hawk and exploded.
The six of us –Myself, Nagase, Pops, Grimm, Genette, and Kirk- floated in the warm ocean for a few minuets until a carrier-based helicopter came into view.
“This is Sea Goblin we have found the floating remains of the destroyed aircraft in the water. I don’t see any of the crew. It looks like they couldn’t eject and sank with their planes.”
“Roger Sea Goblin, RTB.”
I knew that that helo pilot was lying. We where right in plane sight, and not exactly difficult to miss.
“All right, let’s go. We’ve got a new home waiting for you.” The pilot said as we where all pulled from the water.

“So what’s the gouge?” I asked as soon as I was on-board.
“Captain Anderson wants to see you chop-chop.”

Captain Anderson? I was genuinely confused. Anderson was the CO of the OFS Kestrel. An aircraft carrier that’s been in our arsenal since the Belkan war. in fact, I even remembered saving it that one time during Scinfaxi missile attack.
I would find out what’s going on soon enough.

End of chapter 15

Our Belkan operations have been found out!
Will you just stay calm!? Belka is immaterial. We got what we needed out of it.
So you’re prepared to simply let our operatives hang out to dry?
Yes, I am. The operatives have served their propose.

Operation: keynote

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