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Yuri's buildings
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Tiberium based lifeforms
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Nod Units
General's Zero Hour abilities.
The Generals
USA Buildings
USA units
China's buildings
China's Units
GLA Buildings
GLA Units

okay, here we go! like i said, things are getting fired up now! as for this chapter: it is THE biggest chapter i've EVER written.
3'830 words to it. enjoy, and soon, THE SOLG!!!!

We had our briefing as usual, and I had to tare my gaze away from or battle fleet. It still seemed hard to believe: a Battle FLEET, not a Battle GROUP. We probably had enough power to blow up Belka once and for all and use the combined power of our ships to end this war with our sheer numbers.

Anyways, Pops was in the briefing room, and he motioned for us to have a seat. “We've decoded the disc that the Major brought back with her.” He began. It contained the blueprints for mass retaliation weapon, codename V2. A far more powerful weapon than the two tactical nukes that the Belkan used in the last war. It was never fully developed at that time, but it appears that they have secretly completed its construction in the 15 years since the war. V2 is a MIRV missile. It can wipe out half of all the large cities in either Osea or Yuktobania. So where was it deployed? It had to be in the SOLG, which was also secretly completed and it's now operational. After all, it was built to function as an orbital platform for such weapons in the first place. The SOLG itself is unmanned and that's controlled from the ground, but we didn't know where. Then, the intelligence vessel Andromeda tracked down the origin of ‘Schenze’’s transmissions to the Arkbird. It's in the former South Belka; the state entrusted to Osean rule and now called North Osea. To be more precise, the transmissions originated from an experimental facility owned by Grunder Industries, a manufacturer of the weapons we use. The president of Grunder has sworn allegiance to Osea, but in truth, he was a secret member of the ‘Gray Men’. Under the guise of their experimental facility, they are actually taking a gigantic tunnel under the mountain range that runs along the border dividing North and South Belka. Their ultimate goal is to reunite the two Belkas. And in that tunnel-”

Suddenly there was an explosion that caused the entire ship to shudder. I knew something was wrong immediately, because it takes a fairly powerful kick to make something the size of a supercarrier shudder. The briefing officer’s alerted voice confirmed it.

“The Kestrel just took a missile hit! Enemy unknown. We can't identify it in time. Additional missile approaching! Razgriz, launch immediately and gain altitude to escape!”

Meanwhile, in the bridge of the ship, the teams there where frantically trying to stop further damage to the carrier.

“Second wave of missiles inbound! 10 seconds to impact!” one of the many officers cried.

“Counter with artillery barrage!” another shouted.

“We can't hit all of them! Brace for impact!” the Damage control crew yelled.

“Starboard side flood! Damage control! We’ve been hit with two sub launched missiles! The ships listing!”

“Launch them out!” Captain Anderson ordered.

“We can't! The ship’s listing heavily to starboard! The ship's listing heavily to starboard! We’re sinking fast!”

“Continue with the launch!”


“Take them up. Hurry up with the catapult. Just concentrate on launching them. All hands not conducting aircraft launch, abandon ship immediately.”

Then the second missile hit, although unlike most Anti-ship missiles which where programmed to bring itself down onto the relatively unarmoured topside of the target rather then into steel-plated sides. The four pilots of Razgriz squadron where now going into the hanger bay, although they had to avoid pieces of debris.

“This is probably the last time this ship launches an aircraft. So, go ahead and pick the best plane we've got in here. Pick out a plane you want. We'll catapult you into the sky. We're gonna get you up there no matter what. All right?” the catapult officer said to them.

I decided to follow the catapult crew’s advice and pick the most powerful craft I had: the Erusian-made X-02 ‘Wyvern’.

“We're getting you guys into the air no matter what. I don't care what happens to the catapult!” Anderson said over the Tactical Channel.

Don’t need to tell me twice, Captain! I thought as I rammed the throttles past full power to afterburners.

As soon as I was clear of the sinking ship, I heard: “Aircraft launch confirmed! Catapult crew will now evacuate the ship!”

Meanwhile, a section of the water’s surface exploded in a geyser as the Belkan Akula-Class Submarine was now sunk.

“Enemy submarine sunk!” one of the sailors called out as he saw the explosion.

“She’s sinking! The ship’s sinking!” another one called, and everyone’s gaze was directed at the now sinking that was only a few minutes ago, one of the most powerful ships in the world afloat.

One by one, the sailors and crew of the Kestrel saluted as the ship went to the bottom, even the injured Julie Karnes who as the ship was sinking was taken out of sickbay on a stretcher and lowered onto one of the life rafts by trained medical personal.

“The Kestrel...is gone.” Genette

“I’ve lost time and time again,” Anderson said. “But now I’ve finally won.”

“Huh?” Genette asked, confused.

“Look!” he said, gesturing towards the sky where the four black planes of Razgriz squadron where now snaking off into the distance. “We launched them off safely. There’s my victory.” Another pause, then, “as long as they’re in the air, I haven’t lost. And I know they’ll succeed.”

“Yeah…” Pops said, shielding his eyes against the sun so he could look at the departing jets now little more then black specks against the blue sky.

Then, Anderson started humming a tune. It was the distinctive opening to ‘The Journey Home’, a popular peace song originally from the Usean Continent, but it quickly spread around the world.

At the same time in Oured, President Vincent Harling was giving a speech along with Prime Minister Seryozha Viktrovich Nikanor of Yuktobania.

Harling started first and said: “This is President Harling of the Osean Federation. Attention, all Osean and Yuktobanian officers and soldiers currently on the battlefield. Let us put down our guns and come out of the trenches. The Osean capital of Oured has been freed of the people who took advantage of my absence to usurp control of the country. Once robbed of my freedom and of my ability to do the right thing. I now stand again under the light of the golden sun, and I do so with the honourable Yuktobanian Prime Minister Nikanor by my side. We have resolved our terrible and unfortunate misunderstandings, and the war is now over.”

They didn’t realise this at the time, but several hundred aircraft, both Yuktobanian, and Osean where converging over an industrial city called ‘Sudentor’ in Belka for a battle. They where however, listening to the speech too, along with almost every single person in both countries.

Nikanor came the screen, and began his section of the speech.

“This is Prime Minister Nikanor, head of government for the Union of Yuktobanian Republics. Attention, all officers and soldiers of Osea and Yuktobania currently on the battlefield. Please watch as President Harling and I stand shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand.” And they did indeed, stand shoulder to shoulder shaking each other’s hand. “President Harling’s words are true. The war is over, but there is one more battle that still needs to be fought.”

Harling continued, each one of the leaders taking turns with the speech.

“We believe that those who have tired to stir hatred between us are now preparing a weapon that could wipe out half of all metropolitan areas in either one of our counties. Our comrades are in flight as I speak, determined to stop this plan dead in its tracks. Which country is under the threat of mass destruction? That, we do not know.”

“However, that is no longer important. No matter which country is hit, it would be a severe blow to all of us.”

“So now I ask you, members of the military. If you see it in your hearts, please utilize the resources available to you and help out our brave pilots. Right now they are flying east to meet the enemy.”

The Razgriz where now also approaching Sudentor, also listening to the speech.

“To those who still dare to hide behind the power of their hateful weapons: Bring yourself before the light of peace and harmony!” Nikanor concluded to the sound of thunderous applause.

As we approached Sudentor, I saw four blips on my radar. The IFF was Yuktobanian Air Force. I was whistling the tune to ‘The Journey Home’

“Those are Yuke fighters.” Grimm said, as he saw them: Four Su-27 ‘Flankers’ dead ahead of us.

I was preparing to fire my XLAAs when I heard: “This is the Yuktobanian 703rd Squadron.” They said, as they passed though our formation. “We heard the President's speech. We will fight with you.” Then, they flipped around and came into formation with our fighters.

“Let us sing that song, too. We're going with you.” Another voice chimed in, I checked my radar again, and saw two solid contacts, and two stealth contacts. I looked at the new planes and saw two F-22A ‘Raptors’ and two Mitsubishi F-2s come up and join our formation. Now we where actually singing the song itself. We all were.

“This is the Osean First Fighter Wing. I just knocked out the Brigade Commander. We'd also like to help.” I saw a squadron of helicopters, CH-47 ‘Chinooks’, by the looks of them.

“This is the Yuktobanian 172nd Fighter-Bomber Squadron. We love that song, too. We brought an AWACS with us!”

“La, la, la... Listen to our beautiful voice!” A Yuktobanian-accented voice said. “This is AWACS Oka Nieba. That would mean ‘Sky Eye’ in your language. I'll patch it in. We got a message from your boss. I'll patch it in.”

Pops then came on the air, and said: “The SOLG just docked with the last cargo shipment from the mass driver. It may be fully operational soon. The Andromeda has tracked down its transmission link. It's still coming from Schenze. I'll be briefing you, so pay attention.”

“We will attack the SOLG control system located in the giant tunnel under the Waldreich Mountains. The tunnel entrance is located at the foot of the mountains and the entire area is covered by mountains and waterways. First, an armoured force will try to move in from the town to infiltrate the wharf where the entrance to the control system is located. There are several enemy defence positions built along the path that the armoured force will take, so air support will be vital for their invasion. Meanwhile, a helicopter formation will attack the control system entrance and capture the nearby area. We're also expecting the helicopters to face anti-air resistance, so we'll need to support to put down enemy fire around the entrance. Your squadron's mission is to protect the armoured force and clear out a landing area for the heliborne fleet. Once both units capture the facility entrance, a special force's team will open up the shutter blocking the way inside. Go through the open entrance and destroy the SOLG control system from the inside.” The Briefing officer said, from onboard the Andromeda.

Once he was done, we continued singing until I heard: “Well, well, well, looks like you guys have made quite a name for yourselves.” Mobius 1 said, impressed.

“Just like these legendary Ace types,” Yellow 4 said. “Always hogging the glory for themselves, not giving a little action to the nuggets.”

“Hey, Tomboy, who’s side are you on anyways? Are you forgetting that you’re with the best Ace in the Erusian Air Force?” Yellow 13 said.

“You won’t let me forget it, Captain.” She said.

Just then, I saw them, one ADF-01 ‘FALKEN’, one F-22A with the Usean paint scheme that identified that plane as one of Mobius Squadron, five Su-37 ‘Terminators’ with the Erusian paint scheme that identified them as members of Yellow Squadron, and another F-22A, this one steel grey.

I heard from the steel grey plane in a heavy Southern accent: “Sonic boom baby! Let’s do this thing!” I knew at once who it was, Air Force General Malcolm Granger. It had to be him, with that accent, and that cock-sure attitude.

I laughed and said: “’bout damn time you guys got here! You’ve been missing all the fun! Where were you? I’ve just been nicknamed ‘the Demon of Razgriz’.” I said, in a mocking tone.

Supreme Commander Boris Romanov laughed and said: “we’ve had a few problems over in Usea over a border dispute, so we had to be called in there. We just finished up there a few minutes ago.”

Pops interrupted us and said: “Grunder Industries has detected your approach and they're asking for help from the warmongers still left in both Osea and Yuktobania. Said they'd hand over the third V1 tactical nuke in exchange, but they're hiding the more powerful V2 from them. Now listen, they're gonna be sending out fighter jets.”

“This is the sky that will determine out fate!” Swordsman said as we all dived on the first target clusters.

“We've got to win this battle and bring back peace!” Nagase cried.

The president’s speech was either still going on, or they had started a new one, because I heard: “As the commander-in-chief of the Osean Army, I hereby order all units to lower their weapons and cease fighting.”

“Don't worry about the Yuke fighters! Get the Wardog ghosts. Follow me! We're going to put an end to all wars once and for all!” Hamilton said, enraged.

“Whoa, Hamilton's here, too.” Grimm said, impressed.

“Be careful. He was trained by the Grabacr aggressors.” Nagase said, in that worried tone she used when she was giving advice, but trying to make it sound like she wasn’t.

“This is the 112th Infantry Battalion. We were preparing to launch into Yuktobania, but the President's words convinced us to change our battle mission.” I heard, as another group of planes, this time transport planes came into view. “Now commencing attack on the enemy facility.”

“All First Fighter Wing units listen up! There go the air assault choppers! We're going in too!”

“Ah, just shoot down that lead plane and this will be all over!” an enemy Yuktobanian fighter squadron flight lead said.

“They'll learn soon enough.” Grimm said, confidently. “Our ace can't be shot down.”

After we blew up all the gun towers, I heard: “All right, there it is, lock, load and stand by!” a pause then, “First airborne battalion has captured the roof of the control facility!”

Then I heard: “That nuke is ours, you dirty Osean vultures!”

“This is Osean territory now. We're not letting the Yukes have their way!” an enemy Osean squadron yelled as they started firing at each other.

“The guys that allied with the villains are biting at each other. Look at 'em like a bunch of dogs from hell.” Oka Nieba scoffed.

“Dammit. Looks like we really did open the gates of hell.” Hamilton said, still angry. “How could we have come to this? It's them...They've dragged us all into this --the Wardog ghosts, the Ghosts of Razgriz.”

“Yeah!” the Yuktobanian enemies said. “Let’s get them!”

“Get those bastards!” the enemy Oseans said.

The press on the ground was reporting like there was no tomorrow, frantically trying to capture every detail there was to see.

For the others in the sky and on the ground, there was no hatred, in fact, it sounded like they had always been best friends and hadn’t been shooting at each other for the better part of four months.

As I was thinking of how great it would be that we where finally starting to once again work together, I saw a MiG 1.44. Hamilton’s plane of choice. I went to full afterburners, flipping up and over. He was confused by this manoeuvre and I managed to get behind him, and fire off a long burst from my gun. Bright orange tracer rounds slashed through the night and rain and smashed into Hamilton’s MiG and I heard: “Damn Wardog ghosts. I'm not through yet!”

“Was that Blaze?!” Nagase demanded, not sure of what she was seeing.

“Amazing! It's just...I can't even describe it. Just unbelievable!” Grimm cried.

“He's the one, no doubt. The ace of aces!” Swordsman declared.

Our victory was short-lived though because suddenly the airspace a few hundred miles ahead of us exploded in a fireball the size of which could mean only one thing and the AWACS said it before I could.

“The SOLG is attacking!”

I tried to ignore what was being said and concentrate on the tanks that where blocking the path to the tunnel entrance, but Mobius 1 and Yellow Squadron beat me to them. Then I saw a few new targets pop up. Pillboxes.

This time, I blew those up, and also a hanger that was nearby.

“Mechanical parts discovered in destroyed enemy facility. Let's ask the ground forces to retrieve them later.” The AWACS said.

“Enemy position silenced. Charge!” I heard from the ground forces.

“All right, now! Let's go!”

“This is the 112th Infantry Battalion. We've arrived at the entrance to the control facility.”

There was a pause from the radio chatter then: “Man, that's a big tunnel.”

“All right, we're opening the tunnel entrance!”

Then I got another ‘briefing incoming’ message on my HUD. I tuned the radio to the appropriate frequency and heard: “We've come across the blueprint of the tunnel facility on the Major's disc. The SOLG control system is in the deepest part of the tunnel. We can't touch it from the entrance. Fly into the tunnel, attack the control system in the deepest part of the complex and escape out the tunnel exit on the opposite side. This is extremely dangerous, but there is no other way to do this. There are two central components to the control system. You must destroy them both, but you can only destroy one of them per attack run. Furthermore, the ground forces will not be able to keep the entrance shutters open for very long. There is not enough time for you to go back into the tunnel again after the first run. So, a separate plane will have to go in from the other side at the same time. We have only one chance. Synchronize your run with the second plane to attack both components simultaneously and destroy the SOLG control system.”

I saw the tunnel open, and I heard: “We've confirmed the opening of the tunnel as well. Are you ready?”

“Roger that, Oka Nieba, we’re going in!”

“All aircraft begin operation! Fly into the tunnel!”

We did, and I slowed down to cruising speeds, not wanting to smear myself like a bug on a windshield at high-speeds.

“A separate plane going in from the other side? How many pilots have we got that can even do something like that?” Swordsman asked.

“I know one…” Nagase said, as she stayed glued to me.

“Enemy plane flying in from the rear! It's Hamilton. Damn, he is good!” Grimm said, suddenly.

“You aren't getting away, Wardog! You're going to fly straight to your deaths!”

“I can't shake this guy. He just won't give up!” Swordsman said, then: “All right, then. Let's just drag them right along with us!”

“You'll get attacked by Hamilton!” Nagase warned.

“This is Heartbreak One. I'm right in front of you guys, Kid.”

“You're alive, Bartlett?” Hamilton demanded.

“You know, you've always been too damn serious, Hamilton.” Bartlett said, almost mocking him.

“I'm going to take the Belkan nuke and terrify both sides into ending this foolish war! Don't get in my way!!” Hamilton roared.

“The problem with you is that you can't tell the difference between friend and foe. Terror is not your friend!” Bartlett countered.

Nagase counted off the distance-until-target and as I got within range enough so I could see it, I heard: “You only have one chance to attack. I know you can do it, Captain.”

I saw it, fired, and then I went to full throttle because Hamilton fired at the exact same time. A shutter door opened right in front of me and I dove in that. I was in luck, as it was perfectly straight.

“Target neutralized!” Nagase exclaimed as she traced my missiles progress on her radar.

“This is Heartbreak One! I destroyed the system core on my end.”

“This is Archer. Captain Bartlett is approaching at high speed from our 12 o'clock! Is he going to...?”

“We’ve gotta do it,” Nagase said, simply.

“I'll be passing you by head-on at full speed, all right? Break right on the count of three.”

I clicked the microphone twice, acknowledging the instructions. I saw him dead ahead of me as a blue box, then I heard: “Okay...1, 2, 3!” then, he simply passed by us all so fast, that I couldn’t track his visually. It was a hell of a rush, and we both let out a “Yaaaahooo!!”

“The shutters are closing!” Nagase said, as I saw that they where indeed closing. Now the tunnel was twisting, but it was a bit wider then in the straight section.

“We gotta hurry, we'll be trapped inside!” Grimm yelled.

“The enemy planes that came in after Bartlett are still in the tunnel!” Swordsman said, as we saw our first bad guy. I fired a missile at it, and went to full throttle so I wouldn’t suck in shrapnel as it exploded.

“Enemy planes dead ahead! We're being attacked from both sides!” Grimm sounded almost frantic now, but he kept his course. “It's too fast! We're going too fast! My threat warning alarms won't stop ringing!”

“Calm down and dodge the obstacles one at a time.” Swordsman said, calmly. Or well, calmer, anyways…

“This is just insane, from start to finish!” Grimm yelled.

“Yep. But when we do finish this, it's gonna be for good.”

Then I saw the exit, and a second later, we all flew out of that tunnel like a bat out of hell. Once we where clear and we could calm down a little, Nagase asked: “Where's Hamilton?”

Heartbreak 1 had the answer as he just came out of the tunnel as well.

“He’s dead,” he said. “Hit by a ricocheting plane. We won’t need to worry about him any more, Kid.” He let out an over-exaggerated yawn then said: “well, I don’t know about you, Kid, but I’m gonna head back to base and catch some Zs.”

We set our course for a nearby road as we had to land because we where out of fuel. The people in Sudentor are to this day, still talking about having the Razgriz land right in front of the busiest hotel in the city.

As I climbed out of my fighter, and tossed an instruction manual at the bellhop, I said: “Oh, and by the way, don’t forget to fill her up.”

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