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Operation: Shattred Skies

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chapter 2

Later, we where over a facility called the “Commona Islands Rocket Base” it was about to launch a satellite that was going to aid ISAF in it’s mainland operations. Greanger and me where so far, doing well. But I thought Rachel was a little airsick when I herd her groaning.
This shocked General Greanger. I heard him say over the radio, “they’re my ”best King Raptors for crying out loud! And still she gets sick
“Perhaps you made a mistake in coming, General Levionson. We can turn back if you want.” I said. Even though I wasn’t trying to encourage Greanger, I was concerned with the fact that the Raptor didn’t have a small toilet like the SU-34 (AN: that is a fact! It does have a small toilet and a kitchen behind the pilot’s seat)
” I heard her mumble.“No! I’m... fine... I just get a little airsick every time I’m in a plane taking off or landing
“Oh, by the way, we need some callsigns. Mine is “Ace”, I’ve been using it ever since Korea.” Granger said.
“I remember mine was “Stalin 1"...I haven’t used it since the great war...” I replied.
“I suppose I could use Xena...” Rachel suggested. I didn’t know why.
“All right now, we are approaching the combat area. Skyeye, are you their?” I asked.
“Roger. The Furball has already commenced.” The AWACS answered.
“Roger that. Over and out.” I acknowledged.
And so I started flying and launching all the missiles I had. One hit an Su-37 “Terminator” with a large number “13" in yellow.
“A YELLOW’S HIT AND TRAILING SMOKE! WHO’S KILL IS THAT!” Mobius 1 practically screamed.
“It was some Raptor! I THOUGHT THE USA WASN’T INVOLVED YET!” another voice screamed.
“All Yellows, BUG OUT! BUG OUT!” the first voice ordered.
“Amazing shot! I couldn’t even make that one hit!” General Greanger AKA Ace congratulated
“Lucky shot I suppose... Anyways, I didn’t down the guy...” I said.
“Yeah, but you made the Yellow Squadron retreat!” an ISAF Nugget said, Sounding proud to fly with me.
“All right guys enough of that. We have 8 B-2 “Spirit” bombers coming in from the west! Intercept them before they reach the launch site.” Skyeye alerted.
“Negative contact, nothing on my radar.” an ISAF pilot said. I must admit, even I didn’t see them on my Radar.
“LOOK HARDER! The B-2s are difficult to detect on radar, they’re stealth!” the AWACS urged.
“I see the bombers! Moving in to engage!” Mobius 1 cried.
“What the...? Multiple unknown radar contact approaching from the east at Mach 1.5. What’s going on here?” Skyeye said, obviously confused.
“Skyeye, I see the fighters! Call off every ISAF pilot! Tell them NOT TO ENGAGE those fighters!” I knew the combat capabilities of the bug Fighter, these ISAF planes where no match for them.
“All ISAF pilots do not engage the radar contacts! Concentrate on wiping out the Erusa fighters!” Skyeye informed.
“Roger that, Skyeye.” I heard almost every pilot acknowledged.
“ AMRAAM missiles, locked on... FOX 4!” Ace called.
His missiles where right on target. And shot four Bug Fighters down.
“Nice shot Ace! Moving in with Sidewinders! FOX 2! FOX 2!” I declared.
Mine missed the intended target, but blasted two other Bug fighters out of the sky.
“Well, at least you got a few of ‘em. Might not have been the indented target.” Ace said. He seemed a little disappointed about that.
“All bombers confirmed shot down. Now sanitize the area of all enemy fighters!” Skyeye informed.
“That reminds me, where’s Xena?” Ace asked.
“I got her on radar. She’s really putting on an airshow.” I answered.
Mobius 1 was really bringing a lot of Bug Fighters down. He was a really good pilot I had to admit. Perhaps the four of us could make the best squadron the world has ever seen. I would ask him as soon as we got to the aircraft carrier. Little did I know that soon we would have six new and powerful pilots before the mouth was out. Each with their own unique skills and strengths.
End of chapter two

Operation: Bunker Shot

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