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Disclaimer: I don’t own Ace Combat 4, C&C, Animorphs or Lockheed Martin’s, Sukhoi’s, Mikoyan-Gurevich (MiG).

Inside the Kremlin, Moscow.

“Will someone please tell me what the heck is going on!” our newest General was trying to get answers for a while now, though I had not yet supplied them.

“It looks like the Yeerks have stolen one of our new Chronospheres and are using it to go to other universes!” I said. “Where are they going?” I asked Lt. Zophia

“They are going to a universe that is currently at war as well; their main weapons seem to be aircraft.” She responded.

“What kind of aircraft?” My best friend, General Granger, asked.

“There are too many to list. However, most of them are not too different from OUR fighters. They do have a few minor modifications.” The Lieutenant answered.

“Such as...?” Granger queried.

“It seems that they have a larger supply of missiles, bullets and bombs that would normally be possible. The basic fighter, the F-4 “Phantom II” has around 40 missiles,” she responded.

“They must have some form of early Chronosphere on-board the planes to teleport the missiles. I guess it burns out after a while. That could significantly help our air force. I can see why the Yeerks wanted to capture that universe.” He had gotten to the answer faster to me.

“We CANNOT let that universe fall to the Yeerks. If I’m right, there should be some of the best pilots yet in that world. LT. Zophia! Make some arrangements to allow me and Granger to join an ISAF squadron, and get two King Raptors ready for takeoff.” I said.

“What about me? I want a piece of the Yeerks too, ya know!” Rachel said.

“Make that three King Raptors...” I corrected.

“As you wish, Comrade General,” the Lieutenant acknowledged.

General Granger seemed amused by this. “Well, if you two are gonna fight with me in my fighters, you need to know how to fly ‘em,” he said, almost with a mocking tone in his voice.

Normally, I would have reprimand any solder of insubordination, but he was helping me in a critical mission, and he was my friend despite being a capitalist “In case you forgotten General, I was in the second Great war, and I got my Ace Wings after my third flight.

Since Rachel was new to the Soviet Military, she didn’t know what most of the terms where, so she asked, “What are Ace Wings?

End of chapter one

Operation: Shattred Skies

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