“San Salvacion was a neutral city at the start of the war until the Erusians occupied it. We will now liberate this
city. The heaviest resistance will come from the tank battalion near Route 7 in Old Towne, and the anti-tank helicopters near
the New City govt. complex. In addition, you must defend our allies from any air strikes that may originate from the airport
behind you. The Resistance fighters will end the blackout over the city. Suppress all enemy resistance and help liberate the
city.” Yet ANOTHER briefing, and another pilot rotation. Now we had someone named Jared Elston, callsign: BLAZE.
Once we where airborne, we started going into the night. Mobius 1 suggested that if we launch from North Point and cross several
time zones, and refuel along the way of course, we would be much better at a night raid. Almost everyone agreed to that.
Once we where within the city airspace, Skyeye called “Mobius1, Skyeye here. The resistance just ended the blackout.
Commence operation. Sweep out all enemy forces in old town, new city, and airport.”
At least he’s getting to be a little quieter. I thought.
“BLAZE here, I’ll take down the forces at the Government Complex!”
“Mobius 1 here, you do that. I’m going after the airport.”
“What do you say Greanger, me and you to Old Towne?”
“Roger that. On you six.”
Later, we where all over our areas of engagement. Apparently Blaze knew his stuff. He kept flying through enemy defenses like
he was flying through friendly airspace, and Mobius 1 was having an easy time cutting through the airport defenses.
“Hey, Granger, you see that?” I asked.
“See what?” he replied.
“Never mind. I thought I say another plane.”
“The skies swarming with planes, the ground forces need out help, AND those Yellows are here, and you’re worried
about some recon!”
“It’s NOT a recon. That thing has been following me for a while now. It might be a new prototype, some experimental,
or something else.”
“this is Skyeye, cut the chatter!”
he was right. I was getting to caught up in this mystery. When we assault Farbanti, THEN I’ll find out what the heck
this thing is! I decided.
After a while, the major places of enemy activity where almost dead.
“Tango-3 here HQ. Target 16 by Route 7 destroyed by air strikes.”
“The Arch has been secured.”
“Mobius-1, Skyeye here. The airport has been neutralized. Flow to support other areas.”
“Headquarters, this is Bravo-2. Enemy resistance is weakening, we're moving in.”
“Bravo-7 here, HQ. Target-2, the Capitol has been secured.”
Cheering started to breakout, including in a local news station. But the mission wasn’t over yet.
“Multiple TU-160s are inbound to New City from the northwest.
Drive them back immediately.” Skyeye informed.
“damn fascists! They’re goanna level the city!”
NOW I knew why I had done so much damage to the Erusian. They where FASCIST! Well, I was going to show them what the Soviet
Union does with THAT.
Eventually we shot down all the bombers. Two for each of us. But seeing that plane again made my head start to ache. I kept
seeing it. It was as if it WANTED me to see it. It was as if a specter or ghost was trailing me for all that I did in the
world wars I fought. It’s not important. I told myself. But I still asked why it let me see it as early as it did, and
for such a long period of time. Normally I caught only faint glimpses and by then, the mission was over. I would soon learn
the answers.
End of chapter 6
Operation: Whisky Corridor